Pistol eating Fluellens Leak, Vide, Henry Vth
After Henry BunburyPistol eating Fluellens Leak, Vide, Henry VthLondon, Ca. 1811EtchingOriginal hand colouring250 350 mm
After Henry Bunbury
Pistol eating Fluellens Leak, Vide, Henry Vth
London, Ca. 1811
Original hand colouring
250 350 mm
A crude copy in line of a plate in the set of stipple illustrations to Shakespeare, after Bunbury, published by Macklin. The original is the serious illustration of a comic subject; the copy has the character of caricature. Pistol sits on the ground clutching his sword in both hands, his mouth distended by a large leek; he scowls towards Fluellen (right) who threatens him with raised cudgel. Behind the latter stands a grinning man at arms holding a spear. The scene is open country with a large camp in the middle distance. The costume is quasi-Elizabethan, but Pistol has a long pigtail queue, and beside him is a large cocked hat.