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Sancho the second’s triumphal entry into Barataria!!!


Charles WilliamsSancho the second's triumphal entry into Barataria!!! London, William Holland, March 1806EtchingOriginal hand colouring275 x 425 mm

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Charles Williams

Sancho the second’s triumphal entry into Barataria!!!

London, William Holland, March 1806


Original hand colouring

275 x 425 mm


Fox, seated on an ox with the head of Grenville, is the centre of a procession passing (r. to left.) St. James’s Palace which is faintly indicated (l.). At the head march two trumpeters, Sheridan and the dwarfish Derby, in laced suits with swords and feather-fringed cocked hats; the banners attached to their trumpets are inscribed ‘Vox Populi’. Moira walks on Sheridan’s r., both arms extended, holding out his (military) cocked hat. Behind, also waving their hats, are Grey and Temple. Immediately round Fox are four men (wearing bonnets rouges) who hold up fringed banners, inscribed respectively: ‘Peace and Plenty’, ‘Bread Sixpence Pr Qu[artern]’, ‘Royal Gin 4 sh [p]r Gall’, ‘Beef Fourpence Pr Pound’. A proletarian mob cheers, and mingles with, the procession; the foreground figures (r.) include a butcher, an old woman, and a little chimney-sweep. From the window over the palace gateway George III looks out through his glass; he says: "Hei! Hei! Hei! Hei-pretty sight, indeed – Sancho is a great Man, great Man with the People! will make an able Governour – trial’s all – Billy had many ups and downs – Sancho s the Idol of John Bull – makes fine speeches – sweet as Plumb Pudding to John! Sancho’s the Man for little Boney – he’ll make him prance about as if he was dancing on a hot griddle!" Fox turns round to address the mob with extended l. arm, holding out his hat in his right. hand. He looks down at the butcher (representative of his supporters at Westminster elections) to say: "My most worthy and approved good Friends; you shall shorthly [sic] have all your Houses covered with Pancakes and your Streets paved with Quartern Loaves, or say my name is not Sancho; you shall never have the belly ach again from eating bad Bread – all the Pews in the Churches shall be thrown open to you without fee or favour, you shall see the [Tower] Lions for nothing, the [Abbey] Tombs for nothing, & St Pauls for nothing – in short all that is rare & beautifull in England for nothing! I cannot promise more, so Huzza till you are hoarse, and Heaven bless you."