With rage the Baron bold turn’d pale, A blow tremendous gave her tail &c &c
The Caricaturist General With rage the Baron bold turn’d pale, A blow tremendous gave her tail &c &c London, The Satirist 1st. December 1811 Aquatint and etching Traces of old folds as issued 200x 340 mm
Baron de Geramb stands on a pavement facing a cow, whose tail he has just cut off ; he holds up tail and sword, saying, G-d d-n me no tink she turn again after cut it’s tail off, by Gar me no like her! Sophia! Maria! Protect your slave. The cows head is lowered menacingly; one horn is caught in the enormously long moustache of the baron, while it’s hoof rests on a torn off length of moustache from the opposite side of his face. He wears a braided hussar tunic with fur cuufs and a skull and cross-bones on the breast, tight embroidered breeches with high-tassellled Hessian boots, long spurs, and no hat. A high curricle waits for him in the background with a smart groom at the head of a well-matched pair. A crowd watches from across the street, and a little girl runs for protection to an elderly man.
Illustration to verses called ‘Baron d G. A Poem in three Tumbles’, a burlesqued account of the Baron’s carreer, parodying Scott’s Lay of the Last Minstrel, canto VI
BM 11774