Mr. Wm. Clarkes Dark Chestnut Horse Hylas, bred by his Grace the Duke of Grafton. Got by Antinous, his dam by | Spectator, his Grd. dam by Childers, at four Years old 1774, He won a Match at Newmarket
Henry Kingsbury after Francis Sartorius Mr. Wm. Clarkes Dark Chestnut Horse Hylas, bred by his Grace the Duke of Grafton. Got by Antinous, his dam by | Spectator, his Grd. dam by Childers, at four Years old 1774, He won a Match at Newmarket, & Received two forfits, the Kings 100 G..s | at Ipswich, a Sweepstakes at Bedford, a Sweepstakes at Lilly Hoo, and 50
Category: Sporting and Natural History
Black horse with black hooves and white blaze, directed left, with stable on the right. Four black and two white horses race to the left in the backround, towards a white post. The jockey stands to the left of the horse, facing right.