Home » Products » Mr. Wm. Clarkes Dark Chestnut Horse Hylas, bred by his Grace the Duke of Grafton. Got by Antinous, his dam by | Spectator, his Grd. dam by Childers, at four Years old 1774, He won a Match at Newmarket

Mr. Wm. Clarkes Dark Chestnut Horse Hylas, bred by his Grace the Duke of Grafton. Got by Antinous, his dam by | Spectator, his Grd. dam by Childers, at four Years old 1774, He won a Match at Newmarket


Henry Kingsbury after Francis Sartorius Mr. Wm. Clarkes Dark Chestnut Horse Hylas, bred by his Grace the Duke of Grafton. Got by Antinous, his dam by | Spectator, his Grd. dam by Childers, at four Years old 1774, He won a Match at Newmarket, & Received two forfits, the Kings 100 G..s | at Ipswich, a Sweepstakes at Bedford, a Sweepstakes at Lilly Hoo, and 50

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Black horse with black hooves and white blaze, directed left, with stable on the right. Four black and two white horses race to the left in the backround, towards a white post. The jockey stands to the left of the horse, facing right.