Battle Abbey from the Fish Ponds.
George Rowe Battle Abbey from the Fish Ponds. London, J. Boosey & Co Lithograph 190x265mm Trimmed within publication line
A small, picturesque view of the mansion and ruins of Battle Abbey, East Sussex, taken from the remains of the monastic fishponds. In 1538 at the Reformation the buildings were given to Sir Antony Browne, a royal favourite, who pulled down the abbey, and built a mansion on its site. The entrance gate and considerable ruins now alone remain of the original buildings. In 1719, Lord Montague sold Battle Abbey to Sir Thomas Webster whose descendants held it until 1858, when it was bought by Lord Harry Vane, afterwards Duke of Cleveland. On the death of Duchess of Cleveland in 1901 it was purchased by Sir Augustus Webster, a descendant of its former owners.