Dr. B Hoadley, Lord Bishop of Winchester


William Hogarth

Dr. B Hoadley, Lord Bishop of Winchester

London, Baldwin Craddock & Joy 1822

Copper engraving

430 x 300mm


SKU: 3495 Category:

William Hogarth – Dr. B Hoadley, Lord Bishop of Winchester

Dr. B Hoadley, Lord Bishop of Winchester. Benjamin Hoadly (1676-1761) is shown here in the robes of Bishop of Winchester and Prelate of the Order of the Garter, one of the top three dignitaries of the Anglican Church.

He was famous for defending the new Hanoverian monarchy against the claims to the British throne of the Catholic Stuarts.

He was also noted for supporting the supremacy of the state over the church, and for his liberal views on religious dogma.

Although crippled from youth, he led an extremely active life.

He loved the arts, especially the theatre, and entertained lavishly.

Hogarth, who was a close friend of his two sons, painted most members of the family and often took part in their amateur theatricals.

William Hogarth

William Hogarth, (born November 10, 1697, London, England—died October 26, 1764, London).  The first great English-born artist to attract admiration abroad. Best known for his MORAL and satirical engravings and paintings—e.g., A Rake’s Progress (eight scenes,1733).

His attempts to build a reputation as a history painter and portraitist, however, met with financial disappointment. His aesthetic theories had more influence in Romantic literature than in painting.

See full William Hogarth catalogue here