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Six illustrations for Don Quixote


William Hogarth

Six Illustrations for Don Quixote

London, Baldwin Craddock & Joy 1822

Copper engravings


Set of Six Plates



SKU: 9192 Category:

William Hogarth – Six Illustrations for Don Quixote


These plates have a curious publishing history.

In about 1726 Hogarth was one of several engravers invited to submit engravings for a projected Spanish language edition of Cervantes, to be published by Jacob Tonson and issued under the patronage of Lord Carteret.

However, due to the dilatoriness of the Spanish editor publication was delayed until 1738, and although Tonson paid for the engravings they were rejected in favour of some by Gerard Vandergucht.

At the death of Tonson’s nephew in 1767, the publisher James Dodsley acquired the copper plates.

Dodsley subsequently sold the plates to Boydell, and they appeared from 1790 in the Hogarth folios with the copperplates bought from Mrs Hogarth’s heir. Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy in 1820 bought them with the rest of the plates.

Paulson 94-99 final states.

1. The Funeral of Chrystom & Marcella vindicating herself. A scene from Book

2 Chapter 6. 2. The Innkepper’s Wife & Daughter taking Care of ye Don after being beaten & bruised. Book 3 Chapter 2.

3. Don Quixote seizes the Barber’s Bason for Mambrino’s Helmet. Book 3 Chapter 7.

4. Don Quixote releases the Galley Slaves. Book 3 Chapter 8.

5. The unfortunate Knight of the Rock meeting Don Quixote. Book 3 Chapter 9.

6. The Curate & Barber disguising themselves to convey D. Quixote home. Book 3 Chapter 13.


William Hogarth

William Hogarth, (born November 10, 1697, London, England—died October 26, 1764, London).  The first great English-born artist to attract admiration abroad, best known for his MORAL and satirical engravings and paintings—e.g., A Rake’s Progress (eight scenes,1733).

His attempts to build a reputation as a history painter and portraitist, however, met with financial disappointment. His aesthetic theories influenced more in Romantic literature than in painting.

See full William Hogarth catalogue here