The Admiral in St. Petersburgh; or, Poor will foil’d again.


George CruikshankThe Admiral in St. Petersburgh; or, Poor will foil’d again.London, J Johnston March 1813EtchingOriginal hand colouring370 x 230 mm

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George Cruikshank

The Admiral in St. Petersburgh; or, Poor will foil’d again.

London, J Johnston March 1813


Original hand colouring

370 x 230 mm


Heading to a printed broadside. The Duke of Clarence, in admiral’s uniform with sword, kneels on both knees, arms extended, at the feet of a young woman who walks away. He is in profile to the left, caricatured, with words issuing from his coarse protruding lips: “O listen, listen to the voice of Love.” The lady, the Grand Duchess Anna (Pavlovna) of Russia, looks scornfully B M 12020