The Seizure, or give the Devil his Due…
Anon The Seizure, or give the Devil his Due… London, I Williams April 1763 Etching Original hand colouring, a later reprint. 230 x 380 mm
The Seizure, or give the Devil his Due…
London, I Williams April 1763
Original hand colouring, a later reprint.
230 x 380 mm
The main title continues; being No. 1 of a Sett of Political prints Call’d the OPPOSITION. The publication of which will be regularly continued ev’ry Tuesday, by I Williams at the Mitre Tavern Fleet-Street.
The satire consists of two designs titled above each Excise and Resignation, with lines of verse below each image.
In ‘Excise’ a devil hanging Lord Bute from a bough of an apple tree, and pointing to a second devil hangs Mr Fox, at tis period created Lord Holland of Foxley, from a lofty gallows. The former fiend has a large jack-boot, an illusion to John Stuart, Earl of Bute, on one of his hind limbs; in the manner of an old-fashioned hangman he presses this limb on the shoulder of the convict thus ensuring that his neck shall be broken. Two English farmers witness the operation with glee, and one of them says; The Tree bears bad Fruit, the other declares; Aye, Aye, let him Hang till he’s rotten and then he’ll drop. Lord Bute wears the ribbon of the Garter. Below the tree is a bonfire in which an effigy of his Lordship is burning, with the Garter, inscribed Honi on one leg, and a jack-boot on the other. A farmer blows the fire with a bellows. Another is dancing and shouting; O’er Sawneys downfall lets be merry, Huzza! For Cyder, Mum & Perry
Another farmer shakes his fist at the suspended minister, and angrily cries; Ah! Damn your Scotch ugly Phyz, its what you must all come to. The devil who hangs Fox says; Harm watch, Harm catch. This fiend has one hind limb like a hammer, and with it he hits Fox on the head, the other leg ends in a claw. Round Fox’s neck are two money bags, alluding to the extensive peculations with which he was popularly charged.
In ‘Resignation’ The Princess of Wales, with her bust much exposed, sits in a large chair, weeping, and exclaiming; O what pain it is to part, Can thy P—– ever leave thee. A demoniacal goat sits near her feet, and makes an indecent gesture towards Lord Bute, who is carried of to Hell by a demon, the latter cries; I’ll soon spoil your Pipeing I warrant you., and grasps his Lordship by the middle. The sufferer shrieks; O spare my Monhood, and I’se gang quietly. The Duke of York, the King’s brother, encourages the Duke of Cumberland, his uncle, to force Lord Bute away; the former cries; Well said Uncle, drive him to the Gallows. And the latter replies; Never fear Ned, he’s of the true Preston Breed.
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