Diversions of Purley


Samuel De Wilde pseud ‘Thomas Scrutiny’ Diversions of PurleyLondon, S Tipper, Leadenhall Street for The Satirist. April 1st 1808Engraving (Coloured Impression)Repairs to old folds, and margins195 x 315mm

SKU: 9561 Category:

Samuel De Wilde pseud ‘Thomas Scrutiny’

Diversions of Purley

London, S Tipper, Leadenhall Street for The Satirist. April 1st 1808

Engraving (Coloured Impression)

Repairs to old folds, and margins

195 x 315mm


A slanderous attack on the weekly dinners of Tooke at Wimbledon which were believed to be financed by Bosville and Burdett. A rowdy scene at the dinner table of Horne Tooke, at Wimbledon. A one end sits Bosville decapitating a dog, John Bull, at a small guillotine standing on the table. In his pocket is a pamphlet: Killing no Murder. Two young men watch with pleasure. On his back under the table lies an ugly ‘Irish Pleader’ (possibly Curran). A brawny man in Highland dress, wearing a broadsword, argues across the table with a military officer; he has smashed the table with his fist. Opposite, Burdett’s brother, Jones Burdett, stands tipsily flourishing bottle and glass. A man in volunteer uniform empties a tankard of beer over the head of a brewer described as Tim. Parson Este, wearing a cassock over Harlequin’s dress, stands on the table, posturing with a poker and a cat; a book My own Life is tucked into his belt. Horne Tooke and Burnett, both wearing bonnets rouges, sit close together, Burnett studying a Horn Book while Tooke abstracts his purse which he is giving to his pupil. At the end of the table are two barristers in conversation; one is Clifford holding a pamphlet Flower for Libel. The other hugs a bottle inscribed Essence of Algernon. On the further side of the table two guests clasp hands, waving their bonnets rouges. On the right end of the table is a plaster figure of a naked child wearing a bonnet rouge and holding a cap of Liberty on a staff, it stands on a pedestal To Reason and Liberty. On the floor, besides broken bottles and glasses are books: Trial of John Horne Tooke for High Treason; Priapus; Diderot; Age of Reason; EIIEA IITEROENTA. A slanderous attack on the weekly dinners of Tooke at Wimbledon which were believed to be financed by Bosville and Burdett. BM10976