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Masquerade scene Kensington Gardens


J Bretherton after Henry William Bunbury(signed Sam Sharp -Eye)Masquerade Scene Kensington GardensLondon, J Bretherton, 2nd. July 1772EngravingOld hand colouring240 x 200 mm

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J Bretherton after Henry William Bunbury
(signed Sam Sharp -Eye)
Masquerade Scene Kensington Gardens
London, J Bretherton, 2nd. July 1772
Old hand colouring
240 x 200 mm
Two figures are walking away down a pathway between shrubs on the right, and a neat row of trees on the left. A garden seat is under the shrubs on the right. The nearer of the two figures wears a hood and cloak over very voluminous skirts, but a sailor’s trousers are indicated through the petticoat. A dog is barking at this figure. In his disguise he is walking behind, in pursuit of the young woman. On a scroll above the two figures is inscribed, Jack on a Cruise a Missey in Ye Offing.
BM 5083