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Presentation of the Mahometan credentials -or- the final resource of French atheists.


James GillrayPresentation of the Mahometan credentials -or- the final resource of French atheists. EtchingBohn c. 1850320 x 370 mm

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James Gillray

Presentation of the Mahometan credentials -or- the final resource of French atheists.


Bohn c. 1850

320 x 370 mm


Originally published 26th. December 1793 The King and Queen, seated on the throne (left), receive with astonished horror a deputation from Turkey. An arrogant Turk stands proffering a large rolled document with pendent seals on which are crescents: ‘Powers for a new Connexion between the Port, England & France’. Beside him (left) another Turk grovels on the ground. Fox and Sheridan, kneeling with crouching humility, hold up the long cloak of the Turkish emissary; their bonnets-rouges are decorated with crescents. Behind them Priestley bows low (right). Turks with spears and banners stand behind him. To a spear topped with a crescent is attached a tricolour flag inscribed ‘Vive la Republique’. Pitt, a naked mannikin, one foot on the royal dais, clutches the King’s knee in terror: a chain from his wrist is attached to a royal crown lying on the ground. Behind him, and beside the throne, stands Dundas in Highland dress, tall and impassive, holding a pike. The King and Queen are much caricatured: the King stares, biting his fingers and clutching the Queen; she puts her fan before her face but looks through its sticks (as in BMSat 9528) at the Turks. The three elder princesses (not caricatured) peep from behind the throne on the extreme left. 26 December 1793