Solomons Glory or the Rival Mistresses.
London, August 29th. 1749
245 x 345 mm
Trimmed close to border.
A rare, early caricature. The Duke of Cumberland is seated on a bank with a Savoyard girl. He has his arm around her neck and is saying; Dearest Charmer, Beautious Creature, Heal, O heal the Wounds you gave, Whilst I’m gazin on each Feature O how happy is your slave. She replies ; But will you make me a fine Lady that I may come to ye Drawing Room & go to Ye Play & sit in ye Stage Box & to ye Masquerades ye Balls & the Assemblys. The Duke’s rival mistresses stand behind, and are vehement in their jealousy. They say, respectively, after an old procuress (Mrs Douglas). What charms can that outlandish Bunter have to take him from us why Children we shall loose our business in Covent Garden. The first mistress exclaims; Fear not, Mrs. D—s these are only his flights I’l allure him & bring him back again. The second mistress cries; That for him (snapping her fingers) , what’s he good for to us Girls of Pleasure but for the sake of his Cole. The third mistress laments; Then can you leave your Nancy for such a low Life beggarly Wench as that ? A general officer replies to the last speaker ; This is all owing to your impudence you Bitch.. In the distance appear Windsor castle and Eton College Chapel BM 3040