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Ferdinandus II dei gracia Romanorum.


Peter de Jode, the younger Ferdinandus II dei gracia Romanorum. Ca 1640 Engraving 170 x 120 mm

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Peter de Jode, the younger
Ferdinandus II dei gracia Romanorum.
Ca 1640
170 x 120 mm
A very fine portrait by de Jode in pristine condition.
Ferdinand II (Graz, July 9, 1578 – Vienna, 15 February 1637), Archduke of Austria, Duke of Styria, Carinthia and Carniola (1590), King of Bohemia (1617) and King of Hungary (1618-1625) and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (1619-1637).

He was a devotee of the Catholic Church. Its recognition as King of Bohemia and the suppression of Protestantism in their territories precipitated the events that led to the Thirty Years War. His reign was marked by military and religious affairs