Directions to Footmen
Thomas RowlandsonDirections to Footmen.London, T. Tegg 1807EtchingOriginal hand-colouring350x250mmNarrow margins.
Thomas Rowlandson
Directions to Footmen.
London, T. Tegg 1807
Original hand-colouring
Narrow margins.
A slovenly, shockheaded footman stands serving at table, carelessly letting a soup tureen slide off his tray onto the table, its contents spilling into the lap of a pretty, angry young woman. In his other hand is a leg of mutton, which he lets slide onto the floor, while gravy pours off the dish into the waiting maw of a large brown dog. A hideously ugly old woman sits at the head of the table, and the footman is followed into the dining room by a fat, grinning maid, bearing a dish of eggs. On the wall is an elaborately framed portrait of a grim looking man wearing a periwig and a screeching cockatoo in a cage. A cat puts its paws on the table to lick up the spilt soup. BM 10918.