“Fashion gains Custom”
Anon “Fashion gains Custom” London, H J Carter c. 1850 Lithograph 360 x 280 mm
From the series of Crinoline prints.
A scene in a shoe shop, where a fashionable young lady, seated on a chair, lifts her skirt as she raises her leg to put her foot on a cushion, her boot lays on the floor beside her. A young attendant kneels before her ready to assist.
Behind are rows of short boots on shelves.
Below the image is inscribed ;
Lady. Do you always have females in attendance upon Ladies here !
Shopwoman. Oh yes Miss we have found it necessary since Crinoline has been in Fashion.
Lady. Well I don’t know so much about that, I do see any impropriety in men waiting upon Ladies, in fact I think it quite right they should.
Shopwoman. Just so Miss, I very often wait on Gentlemen Customers & they appear to like me rather than otherwise, they always seem pleased.