The Old White Lion
John Doyle (pseud HB) The Old White Lion London, T McLean (July 7th. 1829 Lithograph Original hand colouring 280 x 380 mm
John Doyle (pseud HB)
The Old White Lion
London, T McLean (July 7th. 1829
Original hand colouring
280 x 380 mm
Eldon sits in his study in an arm-chair, surrounded by books and papers, his elbow on a pile of books. He scowls sideways at Wellington, who has entered from the right, holding his hat. The Duke extends his hand, saying; Come my old friend—don’t take your defeatso much to heart—You fought well! & altho’ you did throw a large paving Stone at me, I—, Eldon interrupts: Poh! I thre no paying stone at you—but you all like to have a dash at the Old Chancellor! Behind, Lyndhurst, in wig and gown, looks round the door, saying; There he is—just like an old white Lion.
The final speeches of Eldon and Wellington on Emancipation were filled with bitter antagonism.
BM 15831