The Celebrated Vaux Hall Performer


John Doyle (pseud HB) The Celebrated Vaux Hall Performer London, T McLean Sept. 16th. 1834 Lithograph 295 x 380 mm

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John Doyle (pseud HB)
The Celebrated Vaux Hall Performer
London, T McLean Sept. 16th. 1834
295 x 380 mm
Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, dressed in acrobat costume stands one legged on a tightrope, his left leg raised high, holding an extremely long staff in his hands. At each end of the staff balls are fixed, titled Toryism and Wiggism. The tightrope is supported on two tripods which are on a stage, below which is an orchestra. The first violinist looks sternly up at Brougham, and others in the orchestra read from music titled, The Examiner, The Times, Spectator, TrueSun.
As Lord Chancellor from 1830 to 1834 he effected many legal reforms to speed procedure and established the Central Criminal Court.